Bella Mente Montessori Academy
Upper Elementary Team Newsletter

August/September 2024

  • Upper Elementary Message:

    Welcome back to the new school year! We are thrilled to see everyone return. In August, we dove into the Great Montessori Lessons from The Well of Time, exploring the Five Great Stories. We also learned about Maria Montessori's life and reviewed grammar concepts, including nouns, articles, and verbs. Additionally, we introduced Montessori symbols, grammar boxes, and skyscrapers for word studies. In math, we revisited place values, math facts, addition, and multiplication using the checkerboard and large bead frames, and explored basic geometry with Montessori cards. All grades were introduced to the classifications of organisms, and we discussed the Tree of Life to provide a foundational understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

  • Montessori Connection at home:

    Home Science Experiments: Conduct simple experiments using household items. For example, create a volcano using baking soda and vinegar or grow crystals using sugar or salt. Encourage your child to make predictions, observe outcomes, and document their findings in a science journal.

    Cooking and Baking: Involve your child in meal preparation or baking. This not only teaches them practical life skills but also reinforces math concepts through measuring ingredients and following recipes. Discuss the science behind cooking processes, such as how heat changes the properties of food.

    Gardening: Start a small garden, whether in the backyard or in pots. Let your child choose plants to grow and take responsibility for their care. This can connect to lessons in biology, ecosystems, and the importance of sustainable practices.

    Book Club or Reading Challenge: Create a home book club where family members read the same book and discuss it together. Alternatively, set up a reading challenge with specific themes or genres, encouraging your child to explore different types of literature.

    Nature Walks and Journaling: Take regular nature walks and have your child observe and document what they see in a nature journal. They can sketch plants, animals, and landscapes, making connections to science topics like ecosystems and biodiversity.

  • Leader in Me Program:

    The first week of the Leader in Me program introduces key leadership concepts to empower students. It starts with creating personal mission statements and exploring leadership roles, fostering responsibility. The following days focus on being proactive and understanding levels of engagement, alongside regulating emotions through the Calm Corner. Students learn the "Think Win-Win" approach to collaboration and the "3rd Alternative" for problem-solving, promoting effective communication and creative solutions. These lessons collectively enhance self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills.

  • Projects:

    Classroom Community Project

    Have students create a "Classroom Charter" that outlines the expectations, rules, and values of the classroom. This can be done through group discussions and collaboration, where students contribute their ideas on how to create a positive learning environment. Display the final charter prominently in the classroom.

  • Upcoming Dates to Remember:

    When your child is absent from school, enroll them in Independent Study. We are here to support them with the classwork that they are missing. This will prevent them from falling behind. It's an easy, straightforward process, and assignments can be completed either at home or upon their return to school. Please send your request via email to:

    Grade 6th: Turn in donation/permission slips

    • 9/5 Back to School Night
    • 9/11 Minimum Day for Staff Development 
    • 9/12 Coffee Mingle
    • 9/26 Fall Pictures: Dress to Impress
    • 9/27 Spirit Day: College Day

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By Erin Feeley February 6, 2025
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