Bella Mente Montessori Academy
Primary Team Newsletter

October 2024

  • Exploring Knowledge: This Month’s Academic Journey

    In Practical Life, students will practice pouring and spooning and practice grace and courtesy by learning how to greet others and ask for help. Our Sensorial activities will include using smelling bottles and sound cylinders to refine their senses. In Language, we will introduce Beginning Sounds by matching objects to Sandpaper Letters. For Mathematics, students will explore Quantity and Symbols with Cards and Counters and the Spindle Box. In Cultural Studies, we’ll learn about the Earth, including Land and Water Forms, Volcanoes, and Weather. In Science, we’ll explore Ecosystems, the 6 Kingdoms, and the Parts of a Pumpkin. Finally, in Art, students will enjoy working with textures and patterns through rubbings and collage.

  • Home Learning Adventures: Montessori Style

    We encourage you to engage with your child’s learning at home through a few simple activities: Help your child with practical skills by letting them pour and spoon while preparing meals. Use different scents for guessing games and make sound shakers for fun. Find objects around the house that start with certain sounds, and let them trace letters in sand or on paper. Include counting by having them count plates when setting the table. Go for a nature walk to talk about landforms and collect leaves or stones to look at. Explore plants and animals in your backyard or a nearby park, and do a simple pumpkin experiment to count seeds. Finally, set up a space for art where they can use different textures and do rubbings. Enjoy these activities together to support their learning!

  • Leader in Me Program:

    We will help scholars think about what they can control in their lives using our Circle of Control. They'll also learn to discover what is most important to them. Together, we'll create Personal Mission Statements that will guide them and help them feel proud of their learning and goals!

  • Engage & Create: This Month’s Project

    This month, scholars will learn about how a pumpkin grows, learn the parts of a pumpkin, and make pumpkin art in the classroom.

  • Upcoming Dates to Remember:

    • 10/9-10/17 Boosterthon & Fun Run!
    • 10/18 No School for Students
    • 10/23 Minimum Day
    • 10/31 Trunk or Treat

By Erin Feeley February 6, 2025
February 2025
By Erin Feeley February 6, 2025
February 2025
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