We’re excited to share the focus of this month’s learning across different subjects:
Math: This month, we kicked off our lessons with Fractions. The students have been working on understanding equivalent fractions and practicing the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with fractions that have different denominators. We also reviewed preminters and started lessons on area calculation. We continued on practicing decimals and started with roundings.
Language: In Language, students continue to strengthen their reading and comprehension skills through Wordly Wise. We are focusing on parts of speech this month, using Montessori Grammar symbols to help students break down and analyze sentences. Daily writing practice is encouraging both creativity and technical growth. We’ve also started our Novel Study, and the students are really enjoying their books so far.
Science: This month, students are exploring key Life Science concepts through two Montessori lessons: Photosynthesis and Animal Adaptations. In the photosynthesis lesson, students conduct experiments and use plant cell puzzles to understand how plants convert sunlight into energy, while also exploring the role of chloroplasts. In the Animal Adaptations lesson, students use adaptation cards and observe animal tracks to discover how different species develop traits that help them survive and obtain food.
Social Studies: In the unit on Cooperation and Conflict with American Indians, students explore the fundamental needs of humans and how different societies meet these needs. They investigate the interactions between European settlers and Native American tribes, using Montessori cultural materials to learn about the diverse cultures, languages, and customs of these tribes. Recently, 4th graders visited Mission San Juan Capistrano, where they engaged in STEM activities and learned about Indigenous peoples, deepening their understanding of these important historical interactions.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s education. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Creative Writing: Encourage writing stories, poems, or essays based on books they’re reading or topics from cultural studies.
Book Reports or Journals: Have them write a reflection on books they’ve read or create character profiles.
Architecture Projects: Build models using LEGOs or other building materials, emphasizing geometric shapes and structures.
Fractions and Decimals in the Kitchen: Doubling or halving recipes to practice operations with fractions.
Lessons 12-14 of the Leader in Me program for Upper Elementary focus on teamwork, communication, and self-care. In Lesson 12, students learn about synergy, emphasizing the power of working together and valuing others' strengths to solve problems collaboratively. Lesson 13 teaches the importance of listening to understand before speaking, fostering empathetic communication and respectful interactions. Lesson 14 introduces the concept of "sharpening the saw," encouraging students to balance their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for overall self-care and growth.
In our recent Montessori plant classification project, students explored the diverse world of plants by engaging in hands-on activities that emphasized observation, identification, and categorization. Each student researched a specific plant, learning about its habitat and role in the ecosystem, which they then presented to the class.
When your child is absent from school, enroll them in Independent Study. We are here to support them with the classwork that they are missing. This will prevent them from falling behind. It's an easy straightforward process, and assignments can be completed either at home or upon their return to school. Please send your request via email to: IS@bellamentecharter.org.
During our November Conference, please bring your child with you for a student led Conference.
Grade 6th: Turn in donation/permission slips
Bella Mente Montessori Academy offers equal educational and employment opportunities, regardless of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.