Bella Mente Montessori Academy
Upper Elementary Team Newsletter

October 2024

  • Upper Elementary Message:

    We’re excited to share the focus of this month’s learning across different subjects:

    Math: Our students have been working with Montessori materials to explore a range of mathematical concepts. They are focusing on multiples, factors, and divisibility, while also practicing calculating perimeter, polygons, and angles through hands-on activities that make learning engaging and practical.

    Language: In Language, students are continuing to work on Lexia to strengthen their reading and comprehension skills. This month, we are focusing on parts of speech and using Montessori Grammar symbols to help students break down and analyze sentences. Daily writing practice is helping them improve both their creativity and technical writing abilities.

    Science: The focus in Science this month is on plants and animals. Students are learning about various species, their characteristics, and the role they play in ecosystems. Through observation and research, they are gaining a deeper understanding of how living things interact with their environments.

    Social Studies: In Social Studies, students are continuing their research on the timeline of human history. They are looking at key events, civilizations, and the major milestones that have shaped the development of human beings over time.

    6th Grade Camp: Grade 6 attended a Cuyamaca assembly to prepare for their upcoming camp from June 2-6,2024. We kindly remind parents to submit permission slips and donations to the classroom teachers. This will be a great experience for our students to bond and learn in an outdoor setting.

    Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s education. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

  • Montessori Connection at home:

    Creative Writing: Encourage writing stories, poems, or essays based on books they’re reading or topics from cultural studies.

    Book Reports or Journals: Have them write a reflection on books they’ve read or create character profiles.

    Architecture Projects: Build models using LEGOs or other building materials, emphasizing geometric shapes and structures.

    Fractions and Decimals in the Kitchen: Doubling or halving recipes to practice operations with fractions.

  • Leader in Me Program:

    The Leader in Me program focuses on empowering students through the concepts of the Circle of Control, defining expectations, creating a personal mission statement, and living by that mission. The Circle of Control encourages students to recognize what they can influence in their lives, promoting proactive behaviors and resilience. Defining expectations fosters accountability and mutual respect, helping to create a supportive learning environment. By crafting their personal mission statements, students reflect on their values and aspirations, guiding their actions toward their goals. Ultimately, living by these mission statements reinforces integrity and purpose, enabling students to navigate challenges and contribute positively to their communities.

  • Projects:

    The "Journey Through the Solar System" project invites upper elementary students to explore and present information about celestial bodies, including planets, moons, and asteroids. Students choose a specific body to research, gathering details on its characteristics, composition, and interesting facts. They then create a presentation in the form of a poster, 3D model, or digital slideshow, accompanied by a short written report summarizing their findings. The project culminates in a presentation day where students share their work with classmates, fostering engagement and peer learning while enhancing their understanding of the solar system. This hands-on project integrates science, art, and writing, aligning with educational standards and promoting critical thinking.

  • Upcoming Dates to Remember:

    When your child is absent from school, enroll them in Independent Study. We are here to support them with the classwork that they are missing. This will prevent them from falling behind. It's an easy straightforward process, and assignments can be completed either at home or upon their return to school. Please send your request via email to:

    Grade 6th: Turn in donation/permission slips

    • 10/1 Bullying Prevention Month & Kindness Kick-Off
    • 10/2 Clean Air Day
    • 10/09-10/17 Boosterthon & Fun Run
    • 10/18 No School: Staff Development Day
    • 10/18 End of Quarter 1
    • 10/23 Minimum Day: Staff Development
    • 10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week 
    • 10/29 Grade 4 San Juan Capistrano Field Trip
    • 10/31 Costume Parade (8:15-9:00) & Trunk or Treat (4:00-5:30)
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